Our Purpose

Roots Classical Tutorial Grammar students will explore God through the use of the Claritas Classical curriculum. Developing life-long learners through the use of the tools for learning naturally leads students to become leaders and influencers in the world.

During the Logic years (7th-8th grade) we will focus on developing students’ skills in Composition, Research, and Latin while introducing Logic into their previously mastered grammar skills. In contrast, the Rhetoric years (9th-12th grade) will be spent defining and sharpening their skills in all subject areas that lead to the all important cementing of their unwavering Biblical worldview.

  • Kindergarten-6th Grade: Developing Respect, Wisdom, and Grace

  • 7th Grade: Displaying Accountability

  • 8th Grade: Demonstrating Initiative

  • 9th Grade: Discovering Independence

  • 10th Grade: Defining Integrity

  • 11th Grade: Discerning Virtue

  • 12th Grade: Defending Truth

Our greatest aspiration is for the souls of these students to grow in truth, goodness, and beauty led by Jesus Christ, which grants them the ability to know, love, and serve our Savior more fully.

Our Values

  1. Parents are established by God as the chosen vessel to impart knowledge about Himself, His world, and His way to their children. Deuteronomy 6:6-7.

  2. A biblical worldview is the lifeline we stand on, make decisions by, and live by.

  3. Classical education’s method and model impact our focus from curriculum content to classroom structure to acquisition of skills.

  4. The proven method of classical education ensures that all students are able to succeed through its valuable tools of learning and thinking.

  5. A community founded on Christ is an unexplainable treasure which fosters relationships and secures accountability while providing hope for the culture.

What People Are Saying

“I am a homeschooling mama of five with children ranging in grades from ninth to kindergarten. I love that the classical method allows me to have a "one room school house" feel because they are all learning the same information at the same time. And it has allowed my older kiddos to step up into leadership roles and help teach their younger siblings."

— Mary Carol

"We found classical education after drowning in our first year of homeschool. I was ready to give up. Classical education has allowed our homeschooling days to be full of freedom. Slowing down when needed and moving forward when ready. Homeschooling with classical education has blessed us in immeasurable ways!"

— Jodi

“Our family is going into our 8th year of classical education. We love educating our children classically because it is teaching them how to learn so they are equipped for a lifetime of learning. The virtues of truth, beauty and goodness are intertwined into their education to bring about well rounded individuals who can think and reason for themselves.”

— Dana